Monday, May 28, 2012

Onomatopoeia Sentences

Today we learnt how to write using the language feature: onopmatopoeia. It is called onomatopoeia when the sound of a word is the same as its meaning.

Here are some great onomatopoeia sentences that we thought of today:

* The whoosh of the windmills whirling wind (Thomas)
* The thump of the judge's hammer (Ethan)
* The squeal of a really surprised mouse (Kaci)
* The patter of a little mouse scattering across the ground (Caitlin)
* The squelch of a big blob of paint (Emerson)
* The squelch of runny mud between my toes (Brodie)
* The patter of rain on the roof (Campbell)

Can you think of any more? Post a comment!


  1. the roar of the car engine by beth

  2. The wisel of a trian.

  3. From Jenna and Arden CaseyJune 4, 2012 at 2:23 PM

    The sizzle of frying pan on the stove and someone moving the frying pan.

  4. The fizz of the fizzy drink when you open the bottle.
    Miss Evans

    1. By Jenna Casey in room 16 :)June 20, 2012 at 5:39 PM

      Which one the one in room 11 last year or Caleb Evans mum Nikki
