Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Making a Grass Head

This youtube video might help you when you are making your own grass head.

Grass Head Website

If you want more information about how to make a grass-head for our homework challenge, go to this link: grass head website

Shake Out Website

If you want to know any more information about the 'Shake Out' earthquake drill, go to this website: Shake Out Website

Soccer discovery creations

During discovery time, some children decided to make photo collages of soccer images. We will be having our soccer tournament on thursday. We are all looking forward to it!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Check out Beth's persuasive writing!

I love homework

I think we should have homework. Here are some reasons why:  Firstly it helps your brain so you can learn better at school.  Secondly if you do really good homework you may get awarded with something, for example a certificate.  Last of all you could get better at your maths and your teacher can see you climbing up that basic facts ladder.  I hope you agree with me now that you should start doing more homework.

Beth Kenna
Room 16

Friday, September 14, 2012

Kalaye's Fraction Poster

Kalaye made a cool poster all about fractions on the ipad this week. She used photomess to help display the pictures. Thanks Kalaye!

Friday, September 7, 2012

What do we use Fractions for?

We are going to be learning all about fractions over the next few weeks. As a class, we talked about what fractions are used for. Why do we need to learn about fractions? Here are our ideas: